Make a Difference

We are now seeking donations to develop the substantive programming and to pilot it at select law schools and young lawyers’ professional groups in different parts of the country. We need money to travel to pilot the program, to support the development of the materials used, and eventually to fund a web platform for disseminating the programming. Our low target is $70,000 and the high target is $130,000. We have arranged a fiscal sponsorship with the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy, a 501(c)(3) organization. This means that donors can contribute to Leaders from Law and receive whatever tax-deduction they qualify for under federal tax law. If you would like to support Leaders from Law and receive any tax-deduction for which you may be eligible, please make checks payable to “American Constitution Society” with this note in the memo section: “Leaders From Law.”

Checks should be mailed to:

American Constitution Society
c/o Zinelle October
1899 L St. NW
Washington, DC 20036

Please note: To ensure proper routing of your donation, please also email to with "Leaders From Law Donation" in the subject line, and indicating in the body the amount and date you sent a donation online.